Random Config Files: Caveat Lector
Everyone else does it, so here's my contributions to noise on the web.
Finally updated December 2005. Updating in this case consisted of
simply deleting files which hadn't been touched for about three years
except for those where some basic editing could sort some of the
worst inaccuracies out.
Caveat lector, by the way, means (I hope), "let the reader beware".
Basically, these work for me. Your mileage may vary.
Simple .muttrc for Mutt 1.2. I don't think
many people will still be running this, but it works fine for Mutt 1.4
too, seemingly.
Simple .procmailrc which does nothing more
complicated than filter mailing list mail into folders. I have added
the line I use for catching mail which Spamassassin (sadly a
necessity these days) has marked too, because it took me a lot
more time than I would have liked to find out what it should be.
Updated 2005/12/31.
The Googlizer: handy utility for
feeding the X-selection (highlighted text) to Google.
Fun with Unicode and UTF-8:
this needs work, but it's a start.